
The Arm NeoverseTM N2 Automotive Reference Software Stack uses the Yocto Project build framework to build, integrate and validate the Use-Cases .

The Yocto Project version used by the Reference Stack is langdale.

meta-rd-n2-automotive Yocto Layer

The meta-rd-n2-automotive BSP layer implements the fvp-rd-n2-automotive bitbake MACHINE definition to enable the Reference Stack to run on the Arm NeoverseTM N2 Automotive Reference Design FVP (FVP_RD_N2_Automotive). It also contains a set of bitbake bbclasses, recipes and libraries to build, integrate and validate both the Baremetal and Virtualization Reference Stack Architectures as described in Reference Stack Overview.

The layer source code can be found at yocto/meta-rd-n2-automotive

Yocto Build Configuration

A set of yaml configuration files (found at yocto/kas) for the kas build tool is provided to support bitbake layer fetching, project configuration and executing the build and validation. The description of the kas configuration files can be found in the Reproduce section of the User Guide.

Yocto Layers Dependency

The following diagram illustrates the layers which are integrated as part of the Reference Stack.


Note that the meta-virtualization layer is only required when building the Virtualization Architecture.

The layer dependency sources and their revisions for the rd-n2-automotive repository ( v1.0 release are:

layers: meta-arm, meta-arm-toolchain
branch: langdale
revision: 025124814e8676e46d42ec5b07220283f1bdbcd0

layers: meta, meta-poky
branch: langdale
revision: 3ec705d3203766a9a437ef7c7837f820c0800ead

layers: meta-filesystems, meta-networking, meta-oe, meta-python
branch: langdale
revision: c354f92778c1d4bcd3680af7e0fb0d1414de2344

layers: meta-zephyr-core
branch: langdale
revision: 030c1e2d8960dd09b7de239d62092e812eaceb42

layers: meta-virtualization
branch: langdale
revision: 8857b36ebfec3d548755755b009adc491ef320ab