
This section of the User Guide describes how to download, configure, build and execute the different Use-Cases provided with this Reference Stack.


This Reference Stack uses the kas build tool to configure and customize the different use cases via a set of configuration files.

The yocto/kas directory contains the kas configuration files to support building and customization of the Reference Stack images. These kas configuration files contain preset settings for the following use cases:

  • baremetal.yml to prepare an image for the baremetal architecture.

  • virtualization.yml to prepare an image for the virtualization architecture.

  • systemready-ir-acs.yml to run Arm SystemReadyTM IR ACS (Architectural Compliance Suite) tests.

These kas configuration files can be further used to build custom Reference Stack images as described in the section Customization.


All command examples on this page can be copied by clicking the copy button. Any console prompts at the start of each line, comments, or empty lines will be automatically excluded from the copied text.

Build Host Environment Setup

System Requirements

  • x86_64 host to build and execute the RD-N2-Automotive FVP

  • Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distribution

  • At least 200GiB of free disk for the download and builds

Install Dependencies

Please follow the Yocto Project documentation on how to install the essential packages required for the build host.

Install the kas tool:

sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade kas==3.1

For more details on kas installation, see kas Dependencies & installation.


Download the rd-n2-automotive repository using Git, via:

# Change the tag or branch to be fetched by replacing the value supplied to
# the --branch parameter option

mkdir -p ~/rd-n2-automotive
cd ~/rd-n2-automotive
git clone --branch v1.0


The provided kas configuration files can be used to build an image for different system architectures, and to apply different sets of customizable parameters. Therefore, the following build guidance is provided as a set of alternatives to target each of the main supported use cases.


To build and run any image for the RD-N2 Automotive FVP the user has to accept its EULA, which can be done by executing the following command in the build environment:


Baremetal Architecture

To build a baremetal image:

kas build --update rd-n2-automotive/yocto/kas/baremetal.yml

Validation tests can be run on the baremetal images. See Validation for more details on running run-time validation tests.

Virtualization Architecture

To build a virtualization image:

kas build --update rd-n2-automotive/yocto/kas/virtualization.yml

As with the baremetal guidance above, the Reference Stack virtualization image can also run validation tests. See Validation for more details on running run-time validation tests.


This section describes how to run the Reference Stack on its FVP and connect to the Primary Compute and Safety Island terminals to manually execute commands and in this way try out its different functionalities. This can be done for both the Baremetal and Virtualization Architectures.


FVPs, and Fast Models in general, are functionally accurate, meaning that they fully execute all instructions correctly, however they are not cycle accurate. The main goal of the Reference Stack is to prove functionality only, and should not be used for performance analysis.

The Reference Stack running on the Primary Compute can be logged into as root user without password in the Linux terminal.

Baremetal Architecture

To start the FVP and connect to the Primary Compute terminal (running Linux):

kas shell -c="../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console" \

The user should wait for the system to boot and for the Linux prompt to appear. For more information on how to interact with this terminal to reproduce the Reference Stack’s use-cases, please refer to the section Reproducing the Use-Cases.

Virtualization Architecture

To start the FVP and connect to the Primary Compute terminal (running Linux):

kas shell -c="../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console" \

The user should wait for the system to boot and for the Linux prompt to appear. On a virtualization image, this will access Dom0. Use the xl tool to log in to the DomU:

xl console domU

This command will provide a console on the DomU. To exit, one can enter Ctrl+] (to access the FVP telnet shell), followed by typing send esc into the telnet shell and pressing Enter. See the xl documentation for further details.

For more information on how to interact with this terminal to reproduce the Reference Stack’s use-cases, please refer to the section Reproducing the Use-Cases (which assumes the Primary Compute commands are being run from the DomU console).

Reproducing the Use-Cases

These instructions can be ran on both Baremetal and Virtualization and assume that the FVP has been launched as indicated above.

To reproduce the Heterogeneous Inter-processor Communication listed in the Use-Cases, follow the steps listed below. Please refer to the iperf manual page and the zperf sample for more information on iperf and zperf respectively.


When running the runfvp command, the Safety Island (SI) terminal is available via the Window entitled as “FVP terminal_uart_si_cluster0”.

  1. Run the ping command from the Primary Compute (running Linux) to verify that it can communicate with the Safety Island (running Zephyr):

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    ping -c 10

    The output should look like the following line, repeated 10 times:

    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.151 ms
  2. Run the net ping command from the Safety Island (running Zephyr) to verify that it can communicate with the Primary Compute (running Linux):

    # On the Safety Island terminal
    net ping -c 10

    The output should look like the following line, repeated 10 times:

    28 bytes from to icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0 ms
  3. Stress test the communication between Linux as a UDP client (using iperf command) and Zephyr as a UDP server (using zperf command):

    # On the Safety Island terminal
    zperf udp download

    A message similar to the following should appear:

    UDP server started on port 5001
    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    # iperf -u -c <dest ip> <duration> <bandwidth> <buffer_size>
    iperf -u -c -t 5 -b 100K -l 1438

    No packets should be out of order and no packets should be lost. No error or warning should be displayed. The output should look similar to the following:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    Client connecting to, UDP port 5001
    Sending 1438 byte datagrams
    UDP buffer size:  208 KByte (default)
    [  3] local port 38733 connected with port 5001
    [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
    [  3]  0.0- 5.2 sec  63.2 KBytes   100 Kbits/sec
    [  3] Sent 45 datagrams
    [  3] Server Report:
    [  3]  0.0- 5.2 sec  61.8 KBytes  97.7 Kbits/sec   4.654 ms    0/   44 (0%)
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    New session started.
    End of session!
    duration:     5.18 s
    received packets: 44
    nb packets lost: 0
    nb packets outorder: 0
    jitter:    4.65 ms
    rate:    95 Kbps
  4. Stress test the communication between Linux as a TCP client and Zephyr as a TCP server:

    # On the Safety Island terminal
    zperf tcp download

    A message similar to the following should appear:

    TCP server started on port 5001
    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    # iperf -u -c <dest ip> <duration>
    iperf -c -t 5

    No error or warning should be displayed. The output should look similar to the following:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
    [  3] local port 52622 connected with port 5001
    [  753.544822] hrtimer: interrupt took 2020 ns
    [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
    [  3]  0.0- 5.0 sec  13.6 MBytes  22.8 Mbits/sec
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    New TCP session started
    TCP session ended
    Duration:      5.05 s
    rate:          21.58 Mbps
    [00:12:38.490,000] <err> net_tcp: context->tcp == NULL
    [00:12:38.490,000] <err> net_tcp: context->tcp == NULL

    Please notice that the last error is a known limitation listed in Known Issues.

  5. Stress test the communication between Linux as a UDP server and Zephyr as a UDP client:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    iperf -u -s -P 1
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    # zperf udp upload <dest ip> <dest port> <duration> <packet size> <bandwidth>
    zperf udp upload 5001 5 1k 100K

    No packets should be out of order and no packets should be lost. No error or warning should be displayed. The output should look similar to the following:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    Server listening on UDP port 5001
    Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
    UDP buffer size:  208 KByte (default)
    [  3] local port 5001 connected with port 44883
    [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth        Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
    [  3]  0.0- 5.1 sec  64.0 KBytes   103 Kbits/sec   0.001 ms    0/   64 (0%)
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    Remote port is 5001
    Connecting to
    Duration:    5.00 s
    Packet size: 1024 bytes
    Rate:        100 kbps
    Rate:   100 Kbps
    Packet duration 80 ms
    nb_packets=14 delay=70000 adjust=0
    nb_packets=27 delay=70000 adjust=0
    nb_packets=40 delay=70000 adjust=0
    nb_packets=53 delay=70000 adjust=0
    Upload completed!
    Statistics:    server (client)
    Duration:      5.08 s (5.09 s)
    Num packets:   64  (64)
    Num packets out order: 0
    Num packets lost: 0
    Jitter:           1 us
    Rate: 100 Kbps (100 Kbps)
  6. Stress test the communication between Linux as a TCP server and Zephyr as a TCP client:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    iperf -s -P 1
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    # zperf tcp upload <dest ip> <dest port> <duration> <packet size>
    zperf tcp upload 5001 5 1k

    The number of errors that appear on screen should be zero. The output should look similar to the following:

    # On the Primary Compute terminal
    Server listening on TCP port 5001
    TCP window size:  128 KByte (default)
    [  4] local port 5001 connected with port 40732
    [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
    [  4]  0.0- 5.0 sec  11.0 MBytes  18.5 Mbits/sec
    # On the Safety Island terminal
    Remote port is 5001
    Connecting to
    Duration:      5.00 s
    Packet size:   1024 bytes
    Rate:    10 kbps
    New session started
    Upload completed!
    Duration:      5.00 s
    Num packets:   11281
    Num errors: 0 (retry or fail)
    Rate:    17.62 Mbps
  7. To finish the FVP emulation, you need to close the telnet session from the Primary Compute terminal:

    1. Escape to telnet console with ctrl+].

    2. Run quit to close the session and terminate the FVP execution.

    3. You can now close the terminal where the Safety Island telnet session was running.


The following validation tests can be performed on the Reference Stack:

  • System Integration Tests:

    • Baremetal Architecture Stack:

      TESTIMAGE_AUTO=1 kas build rd-n2-automotive/yocto/kas/baremetal.yml

      The previous test takes around 30 minutes to complete.

      A similar output should be printed out:

      NOTE: Executing Tasks
      2022-12-07 09:05:58 - INFO     - Creating terminal default on terminal_ns_uart_ap
      2022-12-07 09:05:58 - INFO     - Creating terminal tf-a on terminal_s_uart_ap
      2022-12-07 09:05:58 - INFO     - Creating terminal scp on terminal_uart_scp
      2022-12-07 09:05:58 - INFO     - Creating terminal safety_island_c0 on terminal_uart_si_cluster0
      2022-12-07 09:05:59 - INFO     - Creating terminal rss on terminal_uart_rss
      2022-12-07 09:05:59 - INFO     - default: Waiting for login prompt
      2022-12-07 09:21:10 - INFO     - Starting ptest-runner
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS:
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - linuxboot.LinuxBootTest.test_linux_boot: PASSED (339.17s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - linuxlogin.LinuxLoginTest.test_linux_login: PASSED (4.98s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - ptest_ssh.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner: PASSED (138.44s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - reset.ResetTest.test_linux_login: PASSED (421.70s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - rss.RssTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - safety_island.SafetyIslandTest.test_hipc: PASSED (553.03s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - safety_island.SafetyIslandTest.test_ping: PASSED (13.89s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - scp_firmware.ScpTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - RESULTS - trusted_firmware_a.TrustedFirmwareTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - SUMMARY:
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - baremetal-image () - Ran 9 tests in 1471.225s
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - baremetal-image - OK - All required tests passed (successes=9, skipped=0, failures=0, errors=0)
      2022-12-07 09:30:37 - INFO     - NOTE: recipe baremetal-image-1.0-r0: task do_testimage: Succeeded
    • Virtualization Architecture Stack:

      TESTIMAGE_AUTO=1 kas build rd-n2-automotive/yocto/kas/virtualization.yml

      The previous test takes around 30 minutes to complete.

      A similar output should be printed out:

      NOTE: Executing Tasks
      2022-12-07 09:08:06 - INFO     - Creating terminal default on terminal_ns_uart_ap
      2022-12-07 09:08:07 - INFO     - Creating terminal tf-a on terminal_s_uart_ap
      2022-12-07 09:08:07 - INFO     - Creating terminal scp on terminal_uart_scp
      2022-12-07 09:08:07 - INFO     - Creating terminal safety_island_c0 on terminal_uart_si_cluster0
      2022-12-07 09:08:08 - INFO     - Creating terminal rss on terminal_uart_rss
      2022-12-07 09:08:08 - INFO     - default: Waiting for login prompt
      2022-12-07 09:18:03 - INFO     - ptest-runner started
      2022-12-07 09:25:32 - INFO     - Starting ptest-runner
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS:
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - linuxboot.LinuxBootTest.test_linux_boot: PASSED (589.59s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - linuxlogin.LinuxLoginTest.test_linux_login: PASSED (1.33s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - ptest_domu.DomUPtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner: PASSED (69.20s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - ptest_ssh.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner: PASSED (465.74s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - rss.RssTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - safety_island.SafetyIslandTest.test_hipc: PASSED (356.24s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - safety_island.SafetyIslandTest.test_ping: PASSED (27.59s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - scp_firmware.ScpTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - RESULTS - trusted_firmware_a.TrustedFirmwareTest.test_normal_boot: PASSED (0.00s)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - SUMMARY:
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - virtualization-image () - Ran 9 tests in 1509.685s
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - virtualization-image - OK - All required tests passed (successes=9, skipped=0, failures=0, errors=0)
      2022-12-07 09:33:28 - INFO     - NOTE: recipe virtualization-image-1.0-r0: task do_testimage: Succeeded
  • Arm SystemReadyTM IR ACS (Architectural Compliance Suite) Tests:

    kas build rd-n2-automotive/yocto/kas/systemready-ir-acs.yml

    This last command builds the Arm SystemReadyTM IR firmware and runs the Arm SystemReadyTM IR ACS tests on it. The full battery of tests takes around 14 hours to complete.

    A similar output should be printed out:

    2022-10-16 04:56:20 - INFO     - Test Group (SetMode_Func): PASSED
    2022-10-16 04:56:21 - INFO     - Test Group (SetMode_Func): PASSED
    2022-10-16 04:57:41 - INFO     - Test Group (TestString_Func): PASSED
    2022-10-16 04:57:42 - INFO     - Test Group (TestString_Func): PASSED
    2022-10-16 04:59:21 - INFO     - Resetting
    2022-10-16 04:59:23 - INFO     - Creating terminal default on terminal_ns_uart_ap
    2022-10-16 04:59:26 - INFO     - Creating terminal tf-a on terminal_s_uart_ap
    2022-10-16 04:59:26 - INFO     - Creating terminal scp on terminal_uart_scp
    2022-10-16 04:59:26 - INFO     - Creating terminal safety_island_c0 on terminal_uart_si_cluster0
    2022-10-16 04:59:27 - INFO     - Creating terminal rss on terminal_uart_rss
    2022-10-16 05:08:06 - INFO     - Test Group (volatile Variable Reset Test): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:09:35 - INFO     - Test Group (Runtime Services Test): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:10:54 - INFO     - Test Group (TestEfiSpecVerLvl): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:12:13 - INFO     - Test Group (BootExcLevel): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:13:31 - INFO     - Test Group (MCastIpToMac_Conf): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:14:50 - INFO     - Test Group (MCastIpToMac_Func): PASSED
    2022-10-16 05:16:49 - INFO     - Resetting
    2022-10-16 05:16:51 - INFO     - Creating terminal default on terminal_ns_uart_ap
    2022-10-16 05:16:53 - INFO     - Creating terminal tf-a on terminal_s_uart_ap
    2022-10-16 05:16:53 - INFO     - Creating terminal scp on terminal_uart_scp
    2022-10-16 05:16:53 - INFO     - Creating terminal safety_island_c0 on terminal_uart_si_cluster0
    2022-10-16 05:16:55 - INFO     - Creating terminal rss on terminal_uart_rss
    2022-10-16 05:26:55 - INFO     - Bitbake still alive (no events for 600s). Active tasks:
    2022-10-16 05:26:55 - INFO     - /work/kas_build_dir/../kas_work_dir/layers/rd-n2-automotive/yocto/meta-rd-n2-automotive/recipes-test/systemready-acs/
    2022-10-16 05:27:02 - INFO     - Test Group (virtio_blk virtio1): vda
    2022-10-16 05:27:19 - INFO     - Linux tests complete
    2022-10-16 05:27:25 - INFO     - RESULTS:
    2022-10-16 05:27:25 - INFO     - RESULTS - systemready_ir_acs.SystemReadyACSTest.test_acs: PASSED (37896.58s)
    2022-10-16 05:27:25 - INFO     - SUMMARY:
    2022-10-16 05:27:25 - INFO     - systemready-ir-acs () - Ran 1 test in 37896.583s
    2022-10-16 05:27:25 - INFO     - systemready-ir-acs - OK - All required tests passed (successes=1, skipped=0, failures=0, errors=0)
    2022-10-16 05:27:28 - INFO     - ACS test suite results are consistent with baseline.
    2022-10-16 05:27:28 - INFO     - NOTE: recipe systemready-ir-acs-1.0-r0: task do_testimage: Succeeded
    2022-10-16 05:27:29 - INFO     -
    2022-10-16 05:27:29 - INFO     - Summary: There was 1 WARNING message.

Please refer to Validation for an explanation on how the validation tests are set up and how they work in the Reference Stack. Please refer to Current Status for an explanation of the stack’s Arm SystemReadyTM support.